Green falling leaves that appear when moving, blue wisps of magic emanating from the stone, flora similar to that of the Primordial Orchids found in Draconis Mons and a group of fireflies that loosely follow the movements of the back piece.

+63 Condition Damage +40 Precision +40 Toughness +49 Condition Damage +40 Toughness +22 Precision +32 Healing Power +52 Vitality +52 Condition Damage +27 Healing Power +27 Concentration +63 Toughness +40 Vitality +40 Healing Power +52 Toughness +52 Healing Power +27 Vitality +27 Concentration +52 Power +52 Healing Power +27 Condition Damage +27 Precision +52 Power +52 Precision +27 Vitality +27 Ferocity +63 Healing Power +40 Precision +40 Vitality +63 Power +40 Healing Power +40 Concentration +52 Power +52 Condition Damage +27 Precision +27 Ferocity +63 Toughness +40 Concentration +40 Healing Power +52 Power +52 Concentration +27 Precision +27 Ferocity +63 Condition Damage +40 Toughness +40 Vitality +63 Condition Damage +40 Toughness +22 Vitality +18 Precision +52 Power +52 Toughness +27 Ferocity +27 Healing Power +52 Power +52 Precision +27 Toughness +27 Concentration +63 Healing Power +40 Power +40 Toughness +28 Power +28 Precision +28 Toughness +28 Vitality +28 Ferocity +28 Healing Power +28 Condition Damage +28 Concentration +28 Expertise +63 Condition Damage +40 Power +40 Vitality +63 Power +40 Ferocity +22 Precision +18 Vitality +63 Healing Power +40 Toughness +40 Condition Damage The following prefixes can be selected:.1 The Wayfarer's Henge 1 Gift of Ascension 250 Glob of Ectoplasm 1 Shard of Crystallized Mists Essence