Lost to time gw2 gw2
Lost to time gw2 gw2

lost to time gw2 gw2

Green falling leaves that appear when moving, blue wisps of magic emanating from the stone, flora similar to that of the Primordial Orchids found in Draconis Mons and a group of fireflies that loosely follow the movements of the back piece.


  • The skin creates four different particle effects.
  • +63 Power +40 Precision +40 Healing Power +52 Power +52 Vitality +27 Toughness +27 Concentration +52 Power +52 Condition Damage +27 Precision +27 Expertise +52 Power +52 Toughness +27 Concentration +27 Expertise +52 Toughness +52 Condition Damage +27 Vitality +27 Expertise +63 Condition Damage +40 Power +40 Precision +63 Vitality +40 Condition Damage +40 Healing Power +63 Toughness +40 Condition Damage +40 Healing Power +52 Precision +52 Condition Damage +27 Healing Power +27 Concentration +63 Precision +40 Power +40 Condition Damage

    lost to time gw2 gw2

    +63 Condition Damage +40 Precision +40 Toughness +49 Condition Damage +40 Toughness +22 Precision +32 Healing Power +52 Vitality +52 Condition Damage +27 Healing Power +27 Concentration +63 Toughness +40 Vitality +40 Healing Power +52 Toughness +52 Healing Power +27 Vitality +27 Concentration +52 Power +52 Healing Power +27 Condition Damage +27 Precision +52 Power +52 Precision +27 Vitality +27 Ferocity +63 Healing Power +40 Precision +40 Vitality +63 Power +40 Healing Power +40 Concentration +52 Power +52 Condition Damage +27 Precision +27 Ferocity +63 Toughness +40 Concentration +40 Healing Power +52 Power +52 Concentration +27 Precision +27 Ferocity +63 Condition Damage +40 Toughness +40 Vitality +63 Condition Damage +40 Toughness +22 Vitality +18 Precision +52 Power +52 Toughness +27 Ferocity +27 Healing Power +52 Power +52 Precision +27 Toughness +27 Concentration +63 Healing Power +40 Power +40 Toughness +28 Power +28 Precision +28 Toughness +28 Vitality +28 Ferocity +28 Healing Power +28 Condition Damage +28 Concentration +28 Expertise +63 Condition Damage +40 Power +40 Vitality +63 Power +40 Ferocity +22 Precision +18 Vitality +63 Healing Power +40 Toughness +40 Condition Damage The following prefixes can be selected:.1 The Wayfarer's Henge 1 Gift of Ascension 250 Glob of Ectoplasm 1 Shard of Crystallized Mists Essence

    Lost to time gw2 gw2