If the strings are too high at the nut, it’s really tough to fret, and the intonation in the first position can be sharp. There’s one step left, checking string height at the nut, and it has an enormous impact on how the mandolin plays in the first position. Measuring Gap between strings and first fret using a feeler gauge
Keep in mind that this is not a step-by-step lesson in how to do your own setup, but should serve as an overview to help you learn how the different adjustments can make your mando play great. We’ll go through each, and have a look at how they are interrelated. A setup is a very personal thing, but no matter how you like your action, there are several important points to consider when setting up a mando: string gauge, neck relief, bridge radius, action height, intonation and string height at the nut. With double course high-tension strings, a proper mandolin setup is critical to the accuracy and enjoyment of playing. Not surprising if your mandolin is setup poorly, and most that I see are. The bundle is the best option as it contains both, the DESIGNED and the CONSTRUCTION KIT at a reduced price.So you've been woodshedding for weeks, trying to cop your favorite Grisman lines, and all you have to show for it is a sore left hand. This collection provides a quick and easy workflow and you can still use those sounds as a basic and layer, stretch or otherwise adjust them to suit your specific needs.
They can be easily put into all kind of projects, for example trailers, commercials, movies, TV shows and so forth or used as in-game sounds. The sounds are of a specific topic and ready to use: mixed, processed, compressed, mastered etc.

The DESIGNED collections feature fully designed sounds which originate from the CONSTRUCTION KIT stock.

DESIGNED – THE PRE-DESIGNED & READY-TO-USE SOUNDS After all, the CONSTRUCTION KIT serves as such for ourselves, namely in the following process of creating the respective DESIGNED collection. For some topics it is difficult to provide recordings only, so you will find some pre-processed or synthesizer based sounds in those collections as well, but still only basic material, since we don’t want to offer it compressed to the maximum or similarly mutated. Carefully selected, those sounds give you all the freedom and possibilities you need to design your own sounds within the given topic from scratch. A CONSTRUCTION KIT generally contains thousands of sounds as raw as possible and only as processed as needed for a specific topic, perfectly organized to make it easy for you to use them.